Space-invading campaign: Riverbank IT

Riverbank IT management provides specialist IT support services for small to medium sized businesses in London and the Thames Valley. A key product is SecureConnect, an IT security package including hardware, software, and management support.
Riverbank were looking for a way to reach existing customers who could benefit from an upgrade to SecureConnect, and to increase the number of new enquiries about the package. We looked for a campaign idea that would capture the attention of both existing clients and new prospects, through email and print advertising.
Our Solution
The concept we developed drew on the nostalgia of a different age of computing. Visuals inspired by the well-known Space Invaders game generated instant recall, and made the point that “because next generation threats are becoming more sophisticated and continually evolving, they’re getting harder to spot.”
We identified another important purpose of this campaign: to educate existing and new audiences about Riverbank IT, as well as the features and benefits of the SecureConnect product. This shaped the content of the communications.
The design of the campaign emails really made the most of the concept, with animations mimicking the action of the Space Invaders game. In contrast to the more text-heavy ads the client had used in the past, the full-page press ads we developed were simplified, setting the iconic imagery centre-stage, and making the most of bold colours. We also deployed a book-ends format, taking the opportunity to tell the story in a more playful way.
The immediate response was an open rate of 32% among existing clients. Given that the IT sector benchmark hovers at around 20%, this is a really great result. Riverbank experienced a boost in enquiries, and the press ads received a positive response from the publication itself, with comments that the pieces were very different from the usual style of advertising.
We already have more exciting, creative ideas in the pipeline for other areas of Riverbank IT’s business, so keep an eye out for future posts.
About markmaking*
mark-making* is an award-winning creative agency specialising in branding, campaigns and communications