Putting data to work in B2B

Data. It’s the new oil, but is it the be-all and end-all?
For a long time now data has been fuelling decision making in the corporate world. Makes sense. We consume a lot of stuff. And today, we utilise digital platforms for nearly everything. In fact, the average person produces 1.7mb of data every second, and that leaves a lot of footprints. And, wherever there is a record of something, inevitably data can be obtained, reviewed and utilised (monetised, as well, of course).
But what does that mean for B2B brand building? Well, there is a lot of reliance on data to provide assurances, which is all well and good – B2B is a results-driven world, after all. But it isn’t the only player. Creativity is what turns data into something special. And, in turn, data can tell us just how special creativity is, aka effective.
Two titans, one cause
For logically-minded thinkers – data is dependable and sure-footed. It brings with it a certainty that is comforting. For the more conceptual among us, data simply cannot do what creativity can. There is a beauty to this paradox that is both exciting and comforting when it comes to building a B2B brand that stands out from its competitors.
There’s room for both
The way we see it, there is space for hard facts and original, thought-provoking concepts to exist simultaneously. Net promoter scores, focus groups, sales figures, and purchasing cycles are all worth their weight in oil drums. It’s what gives decision makers a reason to go to market. And it’s the most reliable way of showing what works and what doesn’t.
By collecting the right data (emphasis on the word, right) and analysing it thoroughly, we can make considered choices about who needs to hear a certain message and where we put comms out. More importantly, we can identify a standout problem for the customer. This then helps us identify the unique solution your business offers and the emotional benefit.
Then, bazingah! Up steps creativity.
Turning logic into magic
Creativity is a powerful thing. On its own it’s impressive, but backed and supported by data, it’s even more incredible. And this is magnified when we put it in a B2B context. You see, there aren’t many B2B brands that are super creative. Or even trying to be. But the ones that do see long-term returns on their investments.
To highlight the might of pure creativity in B2B brand building, The Wolf by Hewlett Packard, packs a punch. Even in a shrinking market, this creative use of human insight contributed to a 3% rise in sales for the printer giant by addressing cyber security concerns, a purpose greater than the humble printer.
Of course data is important, but without capturing people’s imagination, it’s valueless.
John Hegarty
So is data the be-all and end-all, then?
Maybe. But without creativity you’re only ever going to end up with bland communications. Creativity is the energy that comes from the numbers, patterns and forecasts we see in the data. Sure, people want to know about special offers and will respond to messages relating to them. But what brings about real difference is engaging your audience at an emotional level.
Data not only informs creativity – it also keeps it in check. It’s true that not every creative venture works out – that’s the subjective bit (and why we all secretly love it). But utilising effective data to track, monitor and learn how creative solutions perform is absolutely critical to getting it right.
So next time you’re crunching a data set and deciding your next marketing move, remember, for it to perform to its best, it will need a creative response.
About Elliott
Elliott Richards
Senior Copywriter