

Dry_Logo_01   Dry_Pack_02_900   Dry_Pack_03_900

Holdfast Fixings approached mark-making* in June 2009 when they needed help launching their first product. The product was a deceptively simple kit for securely fixing heavy items to dryline walls. But it didn’t even have a name, let alone a brand identity.

mark-making* was tasked to create the brand identity and packaging for the new product. Russ Henderson, art director at mark-making*, says: “It was clear from our research that this product would be a godsend for both the trade and DIY customers. We wanted to create a strong visual identity that would convey exactly what the product did and within a start-up budget.”

mark-making* came up with the name Dryline Pro and created two types of packaging: a blister pack for DIY customers and a larger ‘bulk box’ for trade customers. Both forms of packaging have the same memorable blue and black design, reflecting the easy to use, practical nature of the product.

Dryline Pro recently won Best New Product at the Totally DIY Show in Birmingham 2010 and are currently working on new products to expand the range further.