
#red_mm competition becomes an Instagram moment

The final four entries from our #red_mm competition

We have fallen in love with Instagram with nothing and no one able to rescue mark-making* from its pull! Life is more pleasant if you can spice it up with a good challenge and share the experience with people around the world.

On Friday 29th June, our photography addiction was expanded even further with the #red_mm competition. To our surprise we were inundated with inspiring images and ended up with 1137 competition entries!

Our dream of @markmakingdesign becoming a place where creativeness can shine has come true. Our contestants’ creativeness and high standards of photography have completely overwhelmed us.

We can’t wait to host our next competition.

You can view the current competition here.

About markmaking*

mark-making* is an award-winning creative agency specialising in branding, campaigns and communications

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