PROJECT:PLEDGE nominated for the CSS Awards

Everyone involved in PROJECT:PLEDGE was smiling from the recognition of our latest digital creation featured on CSS Awards, having been nominated for the award on the 21st of January. It came as a complete surprise to the team as Digital Designer/Developer Shannon had sneakily submitted it over the weekend!
CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation semantics (the look and formatting) of a document written in a markup language, such as HTML. We believe our site, held together with CSS and HTML, is also bound by the fantastic contributions and great design of the whole mark-making* team.
The PROJECT:PLEDGE site is fully responsive to varying screen sizes, meaning it can be viewed on many mobile devices and tablets using the power of CSS Media queries.
The CSS Awards select the best websites developed with CSS from around the world. The awards are given to only the best designers, agencies and bloggers in the online community.
See our nomination on the CSS Awards website, and view PROJECT:PLEDGE itself!
About markmaking*
mark-making* is an award-winning creative agency specialising in branding, campaigns and communications