More mini mark-makers* ahoy!

Last Thursday we were thrilled to have designer Emily and account manager Erin back in the studio for a visit. And they didn’t come empty handed…
Both first-time mums arrived with their bundles of joy (/intermittent discontent) and were happy to play pass-the-baby while indulging in a delicious lunch at the benches.
With coos and cuddles all-round, it was lovely to get a chance to meet little Robyn and Esme in the flesh. Though they let us know, rather vocally, when they weren’t quite so impressed with our company!
The studio is a tad quieter now, but we’re all looking forward to our next visit and more entertaining Tales from Maternity Leave. Plus with Mike and David’s autumn sproglets Florence and William in the mix, and a swathe of enthusiastic baby-bouncers on hand, we’re well on the way to launching our own creche.

About Megan
Megan Williams
Senior Designer