Let’s hear it for the gong bath

Back in March, all mark-makers were ordered to have a bath – a gong bath. This activity – part of our Welldoing initiative to support employees in a life well lived – saw us troop off to Glyme Hall to soak up the enchanting sounds of this healing meditation practice.
While some of us were going for full immersion, others were nervous to even dip their toes into something so different. But, as a break from the everyday, it proved to be a fascinating experience and one that brought about its fair share of revelations and reveries!
What a revelation!
“It’s not actually a bath. You bathe in sound, not water”
“The soundtrack made me feel like I was at the cinema – trapped in a long, eerie sci-fi scene with bass vibrations reverberating through from the screen next door”
“The sound bath was a great reminder to try things you wouldn’t automatically gravitate towards”
“My first bath of any description for a long time…it reminded me of the soothing benefits I usually miss out on”
“I could feel the various sound frequencies resonating within the areas where I have been suffering pain from tennis elbow”
“It was a great reminder that taking that time to focus on yourself is really important”

Lost in our reveries
“Definitely helped me to relax and unwind, so thanks to mm* for taking us along”
“Have you ever wondered what Donny Darko meets Wars of the Worlds sounds like? Me neither, but I think I got pretty close to experiencing it….an eerie sense of heaviness washed over my whole body”
“I felt very spaced out by the experience”
“I didn’t see the strange colours some of the other mark-makers did…but I did feel an overwhelming sense of relaxation”
“Difficult at times to get totally relaxed due to the snoring in the room….but afterwards I felt deeply calm”
As you can see, our experiences of the sound bath were many and varied. What united them, however, was a sense of wellbeing and relaxation – for some it was immediate, for others it echoed in the days and weeks that followed.
We’ll leave our last word to Anna who came up with the gong bath idea:
“When I first suggested the idea of a sound bath, the response was “would we need swimming costumes?”! Fair to say that it was indeed a new (to most of us) and somewhat bizarre experience but one which I enjoyed and am pleased to have tried. The skill of the practitioner was clearly evident and the acoustics were incredible”
Anna H
So you could say, it was good vibrations all round!
About markmaking*
mark-making* is an award-winning creative agency specialising in branding, campaigns and communications