
First mm* Oxfordshire Artweeks Exhibition

As part of our programme of 20th birthday events, this week we opened the studio doors for the first ever mark-making* Oxfordshire Artweeks exhibition.

Our show was made up of two projects…

Words of the Year: graphic posters

IMG_2672Everyone in the agency has contributed to a graphic poster series, inspired by the words of the year between 1995 and 2014. We were each assigned a word at random and given a few weeks to come up with a response, in the form of an A4 poster in the colours red, black, and white. The finished series is a mixture of typography and illustration, wordplay and imagination, shoe-prints and knitting (yes, really).

Postcards from Paris


No mark-making* outing would be complete without a creative challenge; our birthday trip to Paris in January wasn’t all play. We ran an agency-wide photography project over the weekend, with the aim of compiling a set of 20 photographic postcards, one for each mark-maker. The finished photographs are on display (and indeed, are for sale), along with a gallery of our favourite* shots from the trip.

The exhibition will remain in the studio after Oxfordshire Artweeks has finished, so please drop in to have a look. If you like what you’ve seen, watch this space for more news about how you might acquire a little piece of mm* artwork for yourself, should it take your fancy…

*ie the tasteful, nicely-composed, arty ones. You can see our more, ahem, free-and-easy shots at

About markmaking*

mark-making* is an award-winning creative agency specialising in branding, campaigns and communications

How can we help?

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