Celebrating The SMA Trust’s 10th anniversary

Last Wednesday, Nic and Kasia became part of a very special celebration. For these two, going to London is always an exciting expedition, but on this occasion it was more than just a shopping spree, as they joined the charity The SMA Trust for their 10th anniversary celebration.
It is 10 years since The SMA Trust was founded, and since then they have “invested £2.4m in people, projects and places – all united by the common aim of helping to find a cure and treatments for Spinal Muscular atrophy (SMA).” All of their hard work was celebrated last week at the beautiful Spencer House. This historic building, with its unforgettable interiors, made it a perfect setting to celebrate The SMA Trust’s activity and achievements, which not just saves lives but supports families of sufferers across the country.
Currently, The SMA Trust is the only charity in the UK solely dedicated to funding medical research into Spinal Muscular Atrophy. “Even that 1 in 40 carries the gene that causes SMA” not many people actually know how this genetic disease works, even so it “affects thousands of people in the UK of all ages, races and backgrounds.”
Sadly, SMA is currently incurable and often fatal, but charities like The SMA Trust and its devoted workers, therapists, scientists, and fundraisers are doing all they can to actively fund and drive the much needed research. Finding a cure is the main goal for all of them, but enhancing quality of life and bringing support to children living with SMA and their parents, including parents of those who have lost a child, is another of The SMA Trust’s core purposes.
As for us, we are delighted to become part of The SMA Trust’s activities. Until now, as part of PROJECT:PLEDGE, we have been helping The SMA Trust make the most of their social media to build even better and more effective relationships, and to help drive support. Social media can also be used to help give support and hope to children affected by SMA, their friends, and their families.
If you would like to become part of The SMA’s Trust fundraising efforts, you can make your contribution in many different ways to bring a better future ahead. Have a look at their Facebook page to get inspired and support other people’s efforts.
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