August: A time for al fresco antics

What better way to celebrate Summer than to enjoy your own backyard? That’s exactly what we did on August 3rd this year, as we downed tools for the afternoon and headed out to play.
An appetite for Summer

Steve did a sterling job, heading up our BBQ efforts with a host of tasty treats, from sausages to celeriac. And with team mm* gathered in the courtyard, the summer social was in full swing.
Hungry for competition
With tummies topped up, all thoughts turned to trugs. “The Courtyard” initiative – where small teams compete to grow their own floral fantasia – had been running since the spring. The barbecue marked the day the winners would be crowned.
Each trug had been marked on key criteria by the organisers of the competition, Nick and David.
Here’s a summary of who won what:

Team The GOAT won the Originality title with their Wimbledon-themed construction using tennis rackets, and the Merry Magpies won Colour Harmony for the balance of their blooms. But team Mike Had One Job had particular cause to celebrate as they took every other category and were named overall winners. Congrats, Mike Had One Job!

The competition continues
With the competitive spirit sparked, there was only one way to round off the afternoon: a game of cornhole in the car park!

It’s an mm* favourite and often makes an appearance at our summer social events. There was no marking criteria here, however. Instead, a frenzied free-for-all ensued.
And there was, of course, the obligatory discussion about exactly what the rules of the game are!
About markmaking*
mark-making* is an award-winning creative agency specialising in branding, campaigns and communications