A socking update

You may have noticed that we went a little sock-mad over Christmas… From odd socks to wanted socks, missing socks to lonely soles – we had a bit of a toe-tog fest.
The aim of our sock activity was to gain recognition for socks as the awesome classic, yet toe-tally underrated, gift they are. Our sock campaign culminated in a rally: we paraded the streets of Chipping Norton – calling for people to give socks a chance!
If you missed our sock rally, you should definitely check it out – we really went to some lengths to raise awareness of our cause: we had placards displaying pro-sock messaging, shouted a rally cry and even chained ourselves to railings with socks. (Bit extreme? We don’t think so…)
And, we have to say, we’ve been delighted with the sock support we received. We had some sockingly good selfies shared with us of the red-hot mm* bamboo socks we gifted – which you can see on our Instagram @givesocksachance.

But sock antics aside, what we really wanted to share was the final count on our sockometer…
A LOT of sock fun was had over the festive period, but at the heart of it, we had a serious aim…
Winter is an extremely difficult time for homeless people and socks are one of the most needed yet least donated items to homeless charities, which is why we launched a sock drive over December and January.
We wanted to collect as many socks as we could for Oxford-based homeless charity The Gatehouse.
And collect socks we did.

620 to be exact.
A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who got involved and donated toe-togs. Meg and Nic will be off on sock delivery duty to The Gatehouse in February.
But if you find any unwanted socks in the back of your drawer in the future, or if you want to donate anything else to The Gatehouse, check out their Clothes Store List for what they need (and what they don’t) and details on how and where to donate.
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mark-making* is an award-winning creative agency specialising in branding, campaigns and communications